Bene Diction recently discussed the state of spirituality in Canada. “God Bless America” is indeed a very beautiful song, but I think in recent years, some nationalistic sentiment has creeped into the phrase.
Shortly after 9/11 (or 11/9, depending on where you live), the members of Congress that sang for the press were singing mostly for the healing of the country. However, as time progressed, the use of the phrase by President Bush and friends has definitely changed from idealism to nationalism.
To borrow another American phrase, I think “One Nation Under God” should become “One People Under God.”
The United States was created with the loftiest goal I can think of. It was designed to be a Christian nation, but the Christian founding fathers, in their wisdom, designed our core legal document to prevent the suppression of other religions.
This is exactly how God treats humanity: he provides us His way, the only way, but He loves us so much that He gives us the freedom to choose a different way.
I think we humans can learn a lot from Him.