Humanity is fortunate to have a God of love, willing and eager to forgive us every time we stumble. Sometimes, on days when we aren’t walking the right path, relationships can crumble, even with other Christians.
My hope is that this patch on Rachel’s quilt* will be a reminder to you, and to me, that it’s important to humble yourself and serve others, especially other Christians. It’s sad that Christians can be responsible for so much hurting, but it’s expected because we are still pressing on to reach Christ.
Ask for God’s help in cultivating your friendships. The believers around you – even the ones you don’t like – will be worshiping God beside you when we leave this planet, and He will mend our love for each other. We will truly be one people under God.
It’s a day I look forward to.
(Earth photo courtesy NASA.)
* LINK TENDING 1/11 – Relinked cre8d entry to the new location.