Native Hawaiian Recognition and the President

Yesterday, one area of concern was raised several times during the President’s visit – the necessity of Hawaiian Federal recognition. Governor Lingle reportedly discussed the issue with President Bush in his limo, and Senator Ed Case handed a letter to White House Chief of Staff Andy Card.

The issue, as I’ve mentioned earlier, is a crucial one in Hawai’i’s future. Governor Lingle and Lt. Governor Aiona, and all four Congressional representatives, all support the bill. (Talk about bipartisan.)

Yet, despite all this urging, Mr. Bush made no effort to mention any of this during his campaign fundraiser. Yes, I know the speeches are canned, but I’m sure he has publicity people that hound him just as closely as the Secret Service does.

Of Liberty and Pocketbooks

President Bush’s stop in Australia has caused a lot of controversy, mainly due to his “one-liner,” as Phil puts it: “I love free speech.” While I believe the right of free speech includes the right to shut up, I think it’s in the best interest of politicians to be forthcoming to the media, unless they have something to hide.

Mr. Bush has been in Hawai’i since 8:00 this morning. His first stops were the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial, followed by the Battleship Missouri Memorial. Both were fitting places for America’s commander-in-chief to visit.

However, his itinerary, in my view, soured after that. The President will be attending a Republican fundraiser scheduled to begin at any moment now. The fundraiser, costing between $1,000 and $2,000 per seat, is his second during the 12-hour stopover. The first was held at the exclusive Kahala Mandarin Oriental, for $10,000 a ticket. The Star-Bulletin estimates that the fundraisers may bring in over $1 million for the Hawai’i Republican Party – generally considered secondary to the Democrats.

Raising millions of dollars for campaigns is a constant source of irritation for me. I believe that elected leaders, like Biblical ones, should be servants of the people, rather than masters. I would love for U.S. elections to be decoupled from fundraising. The Presidential election check-off is a great idea – one I think should be changed from a voluntary program to a mandatory one. Starting all candidates on an equal footing gives them the ability to present their platforms on equal footing, letting the voter truly pick a candidate based on their merits.

P.S. For the Democrats who argue that Republicans are products of the rich, here’s a little fuel for the fire: Bill Clinton’s trip to Hawai’i included stops at golf courses, McDonald’s, and the most local stop a tourist can make – Zippy’s.

Making (New) Money

Three $20 bills of different designs
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing tries to redesign currency every 7-10 years to foil counterfeiters. From top: pre-1996 currency; redesign from 1996-2004; current design. (Waileia illustration)

Today, the newest style of U.S. currency makes its debut in cash registers, ATMs, and wallets near you. The new $20 bill is arguably the most dramatic change of design in the history of American money.

The new money maintains the familiar portrait of Andrew Jackson, but that’s where the similarities end. The most recognizable change is the departure from the characteristic “greenback” look that has characterized U.S. currency for most of its 142-year history. Instead, the new bills support a rainbow of greens, peaches, and blues, making the new money look a lot like offerings from other countries.

In addition to the color, the new bills omit the characteristic oval backdrop, instead blending the portrait into the border. An eagle and the words “USA TWENTY” are printed on the background. Small, yellow “20” numerals appear on the back.

With all the changes, a lot is staying the same. Many of the elements, including the signatures, “Federal Reserve Note,” and other features remain, as do the embedded plastic security strip, watermark, and color-changing ink. The back of the bill also looks very similar to the previous series.

Today, officials from around the country (though apparently not in Hawai’i) took place in formal ceremonies to put the first of the new bills into circulation. The lucky first businesses included Burger King, Ace Hardware, and, of course, Starbucks.

Since it will likely be some time before the new currency reaches you, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing has been kind enough to “upload” an interactive bill. You can take a look here* [Flash required] (though, alas, you can’t spend it).

* LINK TENDING 1/11 – Removed dead link.

TheStrike – Over at Last?

It could be. KITV and others are reporting that the Teamsters agreed to an OTS-proposed contract at 2 AM this morning. The contract was the company’s “final offer,” according to KHON2.

Details about the new contract are sketchy at this point. It’s believed that the new contract will last five years. Union negotiator Mel Kahele said that the new contract includes both pay hikes and pension increases. As quoted by KITV:

“I’m not going to go into detail, but it’s a hell of a lot more than what the company had three days ago,” Kahele said.

“It’s never enough money. Are we happy? Of course not. We’re not happy, but the people are going to make the decision. That’s where its at. They’re the people that kept it strong,” Teamster International Union Vice President Jim Santangelo said.

The union will hold a ratification vote on Saturday, from 9 to 5. If the vote succeeds, bus operations could resume by Monday or even Sunday. Until then, Teamsters will continue to walk the line.

Reactions to the possible settlement have been mixed. At TheBus’ Middle Street facility, passing motorists honked horns in support of the drivers. Others have pointed out that the Teamsters changed their minds about wage increases as the strike dragged on. Honolulu Weekly writer John Pritchett blames Mayor Jeremy Harris for expanding bus service without providing the necessary funds to do so.

So, what’s next? I don’t know. I probably will buy a pass for $40, despite the fact that it’s going to hurt my bottom line badly.

Out of all of this, there’s only one thing I really, really want: Santangelo to fly home. It’s clear to me that he doesn’t understand Hawai’i’s culture. (I’m not going to call it the Aloha Spirit for now, since it’s seen better days.)

Today is day 31.