In Case You Were Wondering

A well-known sandwich restaurant franchise (which will remain nameless and un-linked) has been airing the most irritating pair of TV commercials ever sprung on an unsuspecting public. The infamous vermin in the spots in question are South American midget monkeys. Thanks for the tip, Yahoo!

For the record, I’d like to point out that Subway has tastier food, better service, and midget monkey-free advertising.

The URL Conundrum

Dean recently gave some good advice about how to write URLs that are people-friendly. While I agree with everything he said, it’s harder than it looks to make this work in practice.

We know that cool URIs don’t change, and that words are often better than numbers. The problem is that these two goals aren’t complementary. If you already have numbers in your URLs (which was MT‘s default when I started blogging), you have three options:

  • Change the URLs, potentially breaking many, many incoming links from elsewhere;
  • Change the URLs and do fancy redirections to ensure the old ones continue to work; or
  • Keep the bad URLs.

A while ago, I ran a link checker on Waileia. I was surprised to learn that all my links to a very prominent blogger were broken because this person switched from numbers to words without letting anybody know. I had to look up the new locations for all the links manually. If somebody who knows what they’re doing forgot this, imagine how it’s going to confuse a large number of casual bloggers.

HYCW offers a link to a solution at A List Apart, but I guarantee that nearly all bloggers will be clueless as to what the article is suggesting, let alone how to do it.

I’ve thought about making this change for a while, but have shied away because of the work I know it will entail. I may tackle this problem soon; if I do, I’ll try to write a how-to for the rest of you who want to do it the right way.

In the meantime, as the adage says, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” – even if it’s a little unsightly.

Man Crashes, Burns SUV at Kahului Airport

Breaking News: The AP and local media outlets are reporting that a 52 year-old male drove a sports utility vehicle into Kahului Airport on Maui – the second-busiest airport in Hawai’i. The driver immediately lit a can of gasoline on fire with a lighter.

TSA officials arrested the man immediately, and closed the airport to outgoing flights for 10 hours. Arriving passengers were allowed to retrieve their bags.

The FBI said in a statement that the incident did not appear to be an act of terrorism.

The Monkeys Are No More

Webmonkey has long been one of the most consistent how-to sites on the ‘net for web design and engineering. For both the technically illiterate and IT staff making 3 figures, the site was a welcome resource. The fresh style sounds more like your friendly neighborhood geek (albeit much slower) than a typical technology how-to. It’s also very reminiscent of the Dummies book series.

Alas, Webmonkey is no more. Their parent company, TerraLycos, will be pulling the plug due to (wait for it) declining ad revenue. The remaining staff will be at SXSW on March 15th to share a toast with their fans.

I wish all of them luck, and hope that TerraLycos at least has the decency to leave 8 years of valuable resources available to the public.

For the Love of Family

Amazing…Fox can occasionally put out good programming after all.

As is typical for me and reality shows, I didn’t watch the middle of My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancé – only the beginning and end. I don’t endorse toying with the sacred covenant of marriage like the producers did, but I think the end justified the means.

Throughout the show, I was impressed by Randi’s humility. She was after the money not for her, but for her family. Despite the occasional profanity, she seemed level-headed and mature throughout the show. Good for her. I wish her the best.

Now, as for Forever Eden and Playing It Straight, I will not be watching these shows to comment on them here. I’m sure you’ll be able to find plenty of other places to read about this trash.