Looking for More About Hawai’i?

You’ll probably have a hard time finding it here. The truth is, I’m much more likely to blog about stuff on the other side of the ocean than on my home, just because it’s so common and everyday to me. If what you’re looking for is Hawai’i, however, you may find what you’re looking for at Ian Lind’s blog. His material tends to be newsy stuff that may or may not be interesting for a non-resident. Not hard to understand, seeing that he used to work for the Star-Bulletin.

One thought on “Looking for More About Hawai’i?

  1. Thanks for the mention.

    Actually, although I do follow local media issues, my daily entries follow my chain of consciousness.

    I’ve also got several years of photo galleries of our community of Kaaawa along Oahu’s windward coast, our cats, our neighborhood dogs, and a new but growing collection of old photos of Hawaii from the 1965-80 period.

    Please do stop by and check it out anytime.

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