A lot’s happened in the past month to get the Good News out about Jesus to the people of Hawai’i. The Jesus Hawai’i Project, along with the financial support of about 185 churches, has mailed out 497,000 copies of a special Hawai’i edition of JESUS on video – that’s one for every household and apartment in the state (and apparently some P.O. boxes as well).
A week later, K-12 students across the state distributed Student Survival Kits to any student who would take them. The kits contained a video, CD, New Testament, More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell, and more.
Naturally, this got some media recognition. It was featured in the April 12th Honolulu Advertiser (not linked because their articles expire), April 24th Honolulu Star-Bulletin, and at least one local television station.
We can pass out thousands of videos and kits, but only God can do anything with them. So, even though this happened a few weeks ago, pray for the people who organized this project, the students who are now working the front-lines, and especially for the people who are hearing the Gospel for the first time.